Kyle at Aunt Bee’s Drive-In (formerly Arnolds) -Mother’s Day Lunch

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With being 21 the last place I know my son wanted to be was hanging with Mom on a Sunday so I have to give him huge props for showing up in the morning to take me out to eat and then to a movie and enjoying the moments instead of being anxious to get it over with so he could get back to his life and away from me like he usually does.

I had been craving a breaded cheeseburger since having one at Arnold’s Drive-In last summer so we picked up his Dad and drove to Decatur.  I guess I have to back up a minute and how challenging it was to climbing in and out of his F250 Ford Truck as he did something to raise it a few inches, he also took the rails off the bottom so it about half my height difference and  is like getting a gym workout to get in and out of the darn thing.

It reminds me of going to a place in town when my son was young called “Discovery Zone” which was a kids play land you paid and admission fee (think it was around $3 for toddlers and $6 for kids up to 12)  and it had all sorts of physical activities for kids of all ages and one time I went through the obstacle course and their was this incline foam wedge that was probably about 6 feet tall that little kids, like my son, enjoyed and easily scaled and scurried over, but which I had a heck of a time trying to climb up and the kids behind me started complaining “Hey, Lady!  You are holding up the line!” and they actually started pushing me up with their little hands to get over the top.   Horrifying, but probably the reason I wasn’t still there when the place closed that evening.  Never again.  After that I let my son go by himself knowing if he had a problem, the kids in line behind him would help him up over that horrid foam wedge…whether he liked it or not…there was a heavily padded mat on the other side for landing on.

When we arrived I was a little concerned to see it was no longer “Arnold’s Drive-In” but apparently had been sold and now calld “Aunt Bee’s Drive-In” and changed the menu, but was thankful to still see my beloved Breaded Cheeseburger on the menu.  Above we are in the “70’s room with the kitschy blue and pink colors for the booth, and neon signs and colors combined with some 50’s and 60’s memorabilia and plastic car fronts/backs on the wall.

Kyle also tried one for the first time and when it was served he said “they forgot the cheese’ and I had to tell him it was inside the breading.   I think he was disappointed as he his used to meaty, juicy burgers and a Breaded Cheeseburger is not that…it is a very thin burger with oozy melted cheese inside of an outer crispy, deep fried layer of goodness.

One comment

  1. the F-250 was a cab and a half and is dad (me) rode in the half. with size 13 feet getting them under the front seat so I could sit in the rear (jump) set was almost funny for anyone watching.

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